Git ‘er done!

If you are anything like me, we just need to git ‘er done! So many things have to be done all the time! I thought I had a relaxing summer to look forward too but in all reality, summer break just gives me more time to get things done!

I thought (I don’t know why I thought this but…) when you get older, things calm down, you begin to rest easy and get some relaxation in! Boy was I wrong! One of my close church friends replied to me after saying this, “Why in the world would you think that?” Now I have to rethink everything!

I thought that since I had everything established, everything could run itself. Ha ha… I am still helping to take care of mom, thank you to my sister who is nearby, so she helps. And not to leave out my older brother, Ken, who lives in Missouri, so he is quite a bit out of the way, but when he is around, he helps too. Still battling with those tenants down south! I have filed eviction papers (GET OUT!), summary of ejection papers (NO, REALLY! GET OUT NOW!), we have a court date, on the previous date of when the lease was to end anyway, but now I have to file a “Writ of Possession” of my own parent’s house! Ridiculous. All this could have been avoided if he had just paid his rent like the rest of us mere mortals! All I can say is, “It will all be over soon… thank you God!” Hopefully, this will almost be over for good. It’s hard not to blame the ex realtor who talked my mom into renting in the first place, when he knew she didn’t want to rent.

At least I get a trip down south out of the deal. I have gotten into hypnosis lately and I plan on sitting on the beach NOT worrying about all this and not in the living room. Maybe the change of scenery will do me good. I am packing my hypnosis tapes and special glasses to enhance the process.

I am so sorry for complaining but believe it or not, I feel better when I get it all out. My mom is moving back in, we redesigned the downstairs and it looks awesome! I will have her closer and maybe she won’t be so lonely. And I want to give a shout out to my daughter Ashley, ten more days! And my husband for still sticking by my side through all of this mess. And my new grandson is the cutest little baby ever! Thanks Shayna for the visit last week with the kids, it helped me to forget for awhile. 🙂

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