The Great Pause

It’s April, 2020, Easter weekend. The world is griped by the Corona Virus. I know we won’t ever forget it, but it’s an airborne illness that can cause death. Anyone can get it, just by someone breathing on you. Personal space has never been so important. I can’t help but think of the Bible story of the two cities, Sodom and Gomorrah, where God wanted to destroy the cities because of their wickedness. Abraham begged Him not to until he found at least ten good men. Well, the story goes on with Lot’s wife looking back and turning into a pillar of salt.

Some of my readers don’t believe like I do, but hasn’t this made us stop and think of what’s important? Really, everyone is supposed to stop, (even though a lot of people aren’t), the world is changing. No longer are professional sports, theaters, entertainment venues, the number one topic of conversation, millions of businesses are effected. Every aspect of life is changed. Just now, I get a notification of public transportation must be cut by 50%. When I want, or need to go out of my house, I have to stop and think. Do I really need what I’m going out for? This morning, I needed some things. I look in my linen closet to check what I already have. Yup! I have a new breathing machine filter, new mask for the machine, a new shower curtain, a new bath mat, and tons of food in the freezer for dinner. My husband thinks I’m a packrat, and yes, I may be. But guess what? We have everything we NEED for awhile. He’s glad I got that two for one sale on kielbasa, that forty pack of toilet paper for $20, months ago.

If anything, maybe this is just a pause to decide what we really NEED or just WANT. Thank God. I just wish more people get the message as I see many cars still on the road when we were ordered to STAY HOME. They just don’t get it. Even schools are closed and I am learning a whole new way to teach and love my kids from a distance.

PS. I absolutely LOVE all the stories of people helping people but HATE the stories of the dying.

PPS. I absolutely also LOVE all the people who are helping during this pandemic, who normally go unnoticed. Thank you to grocery workers, nurses and doctors on the front caring for these people even when they are right in the middle of the virus. I don’t know if I would do that, wait, yes, I think I would.

Lessons I’ve known but don’t practice enough.

  1. Clean, clean, clean.
  2. Stay home, except for things you NEED, not WANT.
  3. Respect EVERYONE, even the behind the scenes people.
  4. Life doesn’t revolve around what the TV says.
  5. Professional athletes are cool, but not worth trillions of dollars.

Let’s just take a great PAUSE, please. I want to stay alive to see another grandchild.