
Don’t hate me, but I love Mondays. The only hard thing is getting up in the morning, and once I am past that, I love how it’s a clean new slate to begin my week. Hopefully, I won’t get a flat tire, be late for school, or lose my patience quickly. Typically, those are the reasons that come to mind about bad Mondays.

I like how I can start the week with a new found energy that I didn’t have yesterday. Now, my thinking may be a bit off kilter because it is summer time, and I can’t be late for school, until September that is. I do have a long “To Do” list to accomplish today, but mostly it’s just phone calls that I have to make. An online sale to complete, and my bible study tonight, but those are all easy things to do right?

Here’s to your Monday! I am wishing you a great new week to accomplish things on your “To Do” list, I hope your day goes well, and I hope you have a great week! Enjoy!



Are you responsible? Do you take care of your children? Your house? Your car? Can people depend on you at your job to “get it done?” I am responsible, in fact, sometimes too much. I try to help others with their responsibilities, but in fact, I shouldn’t do that. I am taking away a lesson for them.

Recently, I have a nightmarish tenant renting my mom’s house in North Carolina. Let me rephrase that, “this tenant is an absolute nightmare.” One of my favorite church friends said that word to me and it rang a bell in my head, yup! nightmare! That’s what this is! He seems to think it’s ok to pay his rent 27 days late, EVERY month. I know it’s my fault for letting him get away with his RESPONSIBILITY for 11 months but I didn’t want to get confrontational, what a joke! ME? I have my father’s blood running through me and HE knew how to take care of business. I think I was just waiting until summer time to take care of it correctly, legally, purposefully, with an end. After all, it is your responsibility to pay your rent isn’t it? Makes me angry that he is consistently trying to rip my 80 year old mother off. He tells my realtor “she is evicting us!” Like, jeez, she is so mean! My view is “yes, she is! That’s what happens when you don’t pay your rent…duh.” He lies to my attorney and says Mays rent is really Junes, when he himself wrote on the money order “Mays Rent.” What a jerk.

I apologize for venting, please say a prayer this all ends soon as it causes undue stress on my mom and me, :(.

Please take care of your responsibilities and don’t take over anyone else’s. This world would really be a better place if everyone just took care of their own responsibilities. Mothers and Fathers, please teach your children to take care of their own responsibilities, should be one of the most important parts of an education there is in this world.

Have a great day!


Back to the first day of summer vacation! I am excited to relax and get things done but I find myself doing the exact same thing as I have for the past 19 years! Always fighting the paper war. I have let my home office get out of hand. As school was moving along, counting down to the last days, I would drop everything in here and think, “next week I’ll do it…” well, it is now “next week!”

If you are anything like me, I have a million little things to do. File this bill, call these people, put that away, mail that, file those papers, clean that sink, it’s just a ton of tiny things to do. Nothing major, except for waiting for the tile guys and the contractor to come and finish the downstairs for my mom. We are upgrading the entire downstairs to make it suitable for her own apartment living. We are moving her in again, which always reminds me of my brother, he was always the mover for everyone. She did live with us for a year, but a few issues caused her to move to her own space. It took a bit getting used too for both of us, yet gave us the insight to make it better. We all sat down and discussed what drove us both crazy and fixed it for this time, wish us luck!

Just like the end of chapters in our lives, new beginnings come along. End of 2018 school year, beginning all things new! I just pray for the motivation, inspiration, and perseverance to get everything done in time to relax for a while! Happy Summer everyone!!!! I wish you a joyful, relaxing, wonderful season!