Self Care

Crazy! I can’t believe why my mind thinks I am last on the list. I am always taking care of everything and everyone else, and I am always last on the list. I don’t mind really unless I have a million things to do of my own… lesson plans, grading, cleaning my house, etc. Then I start to get stressed. But as soon as I catch up I am fine. And especially when my wonderful daughter helps me, I thank God for her everyday. She helps me take care of myself, I can’t imagine what I’d do without her.

So, I have been walking on a painful foot for months now. I thought, just sit down, rest, take some tylenol, put ice on it. And it would give me temporary relief. Then I would get up the next morning, work all day, run here, run there… sharp shooting pain would return right when the day was trying to wrap up. What was it? I thought, maybe its my arthritis really bad on my foot? Maybe its that planter facisitis thing? It couldn’t be that, it isn’t coming from the bottom of my feet, it is on the top of my foot! Craziness!

Anyway it was so painful I called for an appointment. Don’t you hate it when the doctor says “Where does it hurt? Here?” and then he proceeds to push down exactly where it hurts? Um… YES! THERE! Duh…. by the way, he said it was acute tendonitis, dang, that’s painful stuff! He said I have very flat feet, virtually no arch at all and it is stressing out the tendon from the heel to the top of my foot, or something like that. I just wanted relief from when he pushed down where it hurt!

Anyway, if I had gone sooner maybe I wouldn’t be in this huge boot from foot to knee and hobbling around like a handicapped person. Take care of yourself! Take the time! Love you Ashley.