A Higher Power

I don’t want to push what I believe to be MY Higher Power on you, because I believe you have the right to choose, but I hope you do have one. It is so freeing!

I am a control freak! But, slowly but surely I am beginning to let go. It is truly up lifting. I hadn’t realized how control pulls me down. I am finally starting to realize I can’t control ANYTHING! Except my reaction to things that happen to me, or around me. Learning about myself and how I react. I am stressed because I let it get to me but the truth is I can’t stop or change what other people do, or what happens. All I can do is deal with it and let it rule my emotions or let it go! I have been letting it go lately, and wow! What a change! When ever that thing bothering me pops into my mind, I repeat, Let Go and Let God. I am powerless over the situation but I am not powerless over what I am thinking. I do control what I do, what I allow myself to think, and how  I allow myself to react. It is hard, I am retraining myself to think and react (or not to react at all) differently.

In case you haven’t realized by now, my Higher Power is God. I talk to Him all the time in my mind. I believe in Him because I am human and I have the need to know there has GOT to be something more. I don’t consider myself Crazy Mary, (a woman who had scripture written ALL OVER her car and rode around town screaming scripture all the time when we were kids), but I do believe I will spend eternity with Him and not Satan. I am scared of evil. It is mean, just plain mean, evil. When I am good, I feel good. I like to feel good, so I should do good. I pray to God to protect my family and friends against evil. I am blessed and I thank God every day, sometimes every minute for what He has given me.

I implore you to find your Higher Power!