I can’t help but miss the excitement. I remember when I was a child, the excitement of it all. We would go to my Aunt Edythe’s house in Robbinsville, NJ for Christmas Eve dinner, those days are gone. On the way home, my brothers, and sister and I would lay down in the back of the station wagon looking up in the sky for Santa flying over us. My dad had convinced me we would see him, and we did! Each and every time. Now I know it was an airplane, falling star or another flying object in the dark, night sky, but back then it was the one and only Santa himself. I know it, my dad said so.
We would look at all the Christmas lights in the neighborhood, rush home to get in our pjs, leave some cookies out, and rush to bed so he would stop at our house. My parents used the line many of us have, go to sleep or he won’t come… as if we could sleep with all the hopes of the next morning. Sometimes I would hear rustling of packages, but that only made me bury my head further under the sheets so he wouldn’t find out I was still awake.
I also remember doing all the Santa stuff for my Ashley. I was determined to make her Christmases as good as anyone else’s no matter if I was a single mom or not. Yes, I said all the same things, did the cookie thing, the rush to get to bed, only so I could set everything up and go to bed myself!
I consider myself a Christian, so I am well aware of the meaning of Christmas. I know Jesus is the reason for the season and I love the trinity of Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit. I just miss the traditions of the Santa story, I am missing children in my house! My daughter has her own house now, and I am glad she went to church with us tonight but you know what? She wanted to go home to bed! No excitement there… kinda sad as I look at pictures of her on my desk right now, as a sweet little girl who didn’t have to work three jobs to pay her rent. I miss long ago Christmas. Nothing is the same anymore.
Anyway, have a wonderful Christmas morning tomorrow, I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I’m going outside on my deck to look for flying objects in the night sky…
Loved the story. Did you see him fly by?
i thought i did, but it was a helicopter…
I love this. I miss that excitement too but having the grandkids over this year and waking up with them and their excitement is a true blessing. Merry Christmas Joyce to you and yours. Happy New Year as well.
I don’t get to wake up with my one grandbaby! I love babies but don’t want to rush Ashley!