Well, tomorrow is December 1st. So many things have been going on in my life, I don’t know where to start. 24 days until Christmas. It just seems so different, I don’t know how to describe it. This past year, I have experienced many lost souls, I don’t know how I became so close to death. I have never really thought about it so much! Missing my brother, Christmas day I am really going to miss him. In the past years his family never really came but he always did. It was nice seeing him. We would joke, do fun things, play the silly games I had ready, eat his deviled eggs (whatever was left that he didn’t eat on the way) and he would endlessly prove why an android phone was better than an iPhone, (funny how he is gone and I am ready to trade in my iPhone for an android!)
The next 24 days will be filled with decorating, baking, shopping, cleaning, wrapping, cooking, ordering, shopping, shopping and shopping. Not shopping at stores, I tend to overdo it online a lot. They make it so dam easy! Keeping up with the packages and such. I used to send out a newsletter and cards but I don’t anymore, I wish I did. I always got nice responses. But, I still need to do the normal, routine things like food shop, lesson plans, get ready for my kiddos, and everything else. I wish I would just do it (the newsletter and cards). Something else just seems to jump in front, you know, priorities and stuff. So different from when I was a kid, and even when I was a single mom, it was totally different. Even though I worry a lot now, for some reason, I never worried about making sure Ashley had everything. I thank God for that.
Well, off to make my lunch for work tomorrow, dishes and set the coffee maker, you know, priorities. Have a great night!
Have a great night Joyce… enjoy your thoughts…
I completely understand this year is so different without Nichole. I can’t express or begin to explain how I feel or how this season is so different. I wish I could make sense of it all myself. People ask how I am and all I think is numb but I say I’m ok. I love your writings they seem to help me. Thank you Joyce.
Thank you Vickie, I was also thinking about you and Nicole the whole time writing this one… I love you sweetheart and keep feeling Nicole all around you and in you
Your thoughts this evening…💔.
But your sharing them is powerful in ways I cant adequately describe. I hope you continue to find solace in these writings! 💕
Think of you and all your family often.
Thank you Kathleen, remember when we were younger? Totally different set of thoughts…