I’ve recently run into a bully. On Facebook. Not a friend, just a bully on a public forum. She was a fellow teacher. She was blaming teachers who teach and saying it was my fault I was part of the problem today because she was told to improve her teaching, she didn’t, and now she’s being let go.
Get over it lady. I’ve been teaching for 35 years now, 20 of those years in the inner city, poverty stricken neighborhoods of Philadelphia. I’ve been told millions of times how to make my teaching better. And I did. I did what they told me, again and again. How does that hurt? Trying to take constructive criticism hurts but it helps make you better. Try it, you might like it. I think I am a good teacher, but not because of all the thousands of hours of Professional Development and classes, and lectures, and blah, blah, blah. (Even though it does help, sometimes… my bosses may be reading this! HAHA!) I think I am a good teacher because I love my kids. I want to see them succeed and I want to teach them that they can make IT happen. IT, whatever IT is. I don’t care where they come from, what has happened, what color they are, who their brother is, who they pray to, I LOVE THEM. You have no idea (or maybe you do!) how it feels for a little one to run up to you and share something exciting to you. The best part is when you were involved, typically the day before.
Don’t get me wrong, teaching is hard. Not only are 100 tennis balls being thrown at you at once, you are still tending to the needs of 25 little hearts. Oh, and administration, telling you you aren’t doing enough, you need to do more. And I do, I do the more, just to get it done, to spend another day with that little girl or little boy that will run to me tomorrow morning and tell me about the dream she had when she was reading, her book started tickling her… (when she reads to me, I tickle her), LOVE.
Lady, get over it. Either try something new to get better or get out. You are wasting our precious time in this dying breed of teachers who LOVE.