Thank you!

I haven’t felt like writing in awhile, until 30 minutes ago. I’ve been sick and my husband got sick with me. Good, but bad. We stayed home together but neither one of us wanted to get up off the couch to make chicken soup, go to the pharmacy for medication, or clean up after ourselves. But we trudged through it, together. It kept popping in my mind… “in sickness and in health” that was one of those times. Needless to say, I had been feeling poorly and I was at the stage of being sick and tired of being sick and tired. I was bored again, trolling through facebook when I was awake to hopefully bore myself back to sleep. I always come across these great teacher ideas that are completely meaningful to me and I want to do them so I repost on my wall so I won’t forget. Or, so that I can easily find it when I’m ready. Tonight I reposted this cool pizza fraction idea that was perfect for my class, hoping I could convince the local Pizza Hut to donate 30 pizza boxes to my class. I have had businesses tell me “NO” before so I was building up Plan B if Plan A didn’t work. Along comes my facebook/online friend Anna. I call her an online friend because about 2-3? years ago, I bought something from her on a VarageSale site, ever since then she has had nothing to say but encouragement and happy words for me. Later, I guess it was last year, I had the pleasure of running into her again at VarageSale to take a peek at her beautiful daughter. Our only conversations are online. Also, I might add, she was the only one who sent me flowers after my brother’s death. Soooo, anywho, back to my story. I run out to get a movie and my private message alert goes off… “the pizza boxes will be at your house Wednesday” What? It was from Anna, she purchased those boxes and ordered them to arrive at my house! Wow! That is crazy awesome! I don’t know how to thank her but to tell her thank you! She tells me thank you cards aren’t necessary, but I insist on my students knowing someone cares about them, and I insist on them writing her a letter of thanks. Thank you Miss Anna, from the bottom of my heart, you are truly one of the best!!!!! I will be needing your address too…. I am not so savy in finding your address!

Thank God for the people who are still offering encouragement as the end of times draw near…


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