
I kinda hate that word. My computer has been giving me trouble but I always push through it. Today, someone tried to purchase a $335 “Virtual Trainer” on my iTunes account. What a joke! I need one of those! But I certainly did not purchase that! Come to find out, my 7-year-old (ancient now) computer (iMac) is running on a very old system… who cares? just make it run! So, now I have to go through backing everything up so I don’t “lose” it, ha! ha! I can’t find it when I want it so isn’t it lost anyway? Then, back everything up (isn’t that why I put it on a computer to save it????) stupid. Then I can go ahead and fix it with an update to a newer running system…

Anyhow, I wanted to write about my husband, not my computer. Yesterday marked our 11th year anniversary. I like my man. Of course I love him but we say it so much I wanted to emphasize it more. I really do like him as a man. Sure, he can be a pain in the butt, stubborn to no end but his pros out number his cons. He is a good-looking guy (as I’ve been told, but I knew that, why do you think I was attracted to him at first?), he puts up with my egocentric ways, he does his best, he helps a ton around the house (my ultimate favorite feature), and he is a killer landscaper for our huge yard. He is a great gardener of vegetables and flowers (love!!!) and he isn’t scared of preparing a meal for me. This weekend we had a grand ole time in Atlantic City, NJ. It’s really a mini NY, but a million times smaller. We ate, had a few drinks, gambled a few dollars, spent time on the beach, boardwalk, and had an outrageous dinner last night. It was a very nice time. I love you babe. You are indeed my soul mate.

Now it’s time to go back to work. Homework sheets, lesson plans and other tedious yet needed to be done chores. Hope the rain stops soon, it seems to tire me out lately. Have a great night everyone! Steelers will be on in a minute and I will lose his attention completely.

You Get What You Need


Yesterday I posted about how sad I was feeling. Not minutes later did I get an invitation from a trusted, wonderful, peaceful friend to go out for tacos. It came from an out of the blue comment on a Facebook post, but sure ended up to make me feel better, thanks Mindy! I now have plans to meet a good friend for a visit next week. Sure made me feel good. An hour later, my excellent, work out friend Kathy messaged me saying she wished my blogs were longer! She is a lover of books, she loves to read. To me, it was a compliment. I’m always thinking I bore people with my words, and she made me feel like my words were important, and touched people. This made me happy. I smiled. Then, I get a message from my beautiful, wonderful daughter. So down in the dumps and these little pieces of love came tunneling through and gave me a bit of light. I love these people in my life and I thank God He put them there. I also received two sympathy cards in the mail today from two friends from my old school who aren’t even on Facebook! I wonder, how did they know? They felt so driven to send me a card, they looked up my address, wrote out a card, and mailed it to me! I was touched, it truly touched my heart for me to consider they cared about me so much to do that. I also appreciate my childhood friends, Kathleen and Deirdre who came to the viewing and funeral. Deirdre not only came, but she stayed by my side the whole time. I don’t know how else to show my appreciation but to share with you. I thank every one of you from the bottom of my heart for the kind words and thoughtful prayers you all have sent. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. When it seems there is no hope, there is. Somewhere between the Facebook posts, and the bills in the mail, there is love and hope.

Half Empty? or Half full?

I don’t know what to write. I just feel empty. I don’t understand why my brother’s death is effecting me this way. I feel sad, deep down. When my dad died, I was sad, but it just didn’t effect me the same way this is. Maybe it’s because my dad lived a long life? He died of natural causes? My brother was too young, and it was a terrible, sudden death. Maybe that’s what I’m having trouble with.

I went to a Grief Share group last night at my church. It was good. I always feel like I am a Debbie Downer when I talk about him. These people listened and heard me. They felt what I am feeling. They lost their sons, daughters, husbands and wives. Their stories were sad, they were missing their person so much, after years too. Maybe I am experiencing my numbness still. It’s still fresh in my mind. It’s only been two weeks, I am too hard on myself.

It has made some changes in my life. I make sure to call my mom whenever I feel like it, only when I think she is sleeping I won’t. During the group last night, they showed a video of people that were constantly asking themselves questions like they could have stopped the death. Such as “What if I hadn’t let her go out that night?” “Maybe I should have called the doctor sooner? Then she wouldn’t have died!” I do realize that our days are numbered. There is nothing we can do to change that. It will happen when it is supposed too, I just have to make the best of my time now with the people I love. It is so cliche’ but it is true. I stop and think what I am doing more now. Except with the kids, things are running to fast the week before Halloween… but I’m trying. If it wasn’t for those kids of mine (and the parents who have been very sympathetic which touches my heart) I would really be running on empty! The kids are really off the wall this week, but somehow, I manage. I am too busy at work to stop and think about my brother, Brian. I need a picture of him on my desk to stop and realize my days are numbered with my kids too.

Have a good night everyone, I hope I didn’t “down” anyone! Go enjoy some time with your loved ones….

Reverse Writer’s Block

In a way, I do have writer’s block. I can’t decide what to write about, I have so many thoughts running through my mind, I can’t decide what to publish.

Silence is deafening. Everyone is gone. Older brother and his family are on their way back to Missouri, nephew and his mom on way back to Florida. My stepdaughter and boyfriend have moved out. Mom is back at her apartment in the retirement home. The house is silent except for the ticking clock on the wall.  Here, alone, I sit and try to make my way back to my everyday, routine life. Lesson plans, homework packs, laundry, food shop, mom’s prescriptions. I didn’t talk to my brother everyday, but it still seems weird when I think about him, I have to remind myself, he is not at work, trying to provide for his family. He is not at the end of that group family chat. He won’t answer my text telling him how we are going to help mom, he won’t answer the phone when my mom wanted him to come unclog her toilet Saturday. He won’t answer the phone if I asked him to come help my husband with the leaky bathroom faucet. I just hope and think he is at peace. He doesn’t have to worry about all this everyday, routine stuff. That is my only saving grace about his death. He is finally free from all the things that burden us, everyday.

Well, I must still carry burdens and try to get ready to reenter life as I know it. Onward! I would also like to thank everyone that came out to bid my brother farewell. Other posts to thank those certain individuals will come later. Thank you everyone for your kind words and prayers, I really appreciate it beyond measure, thank you.

There’s A Reason

I can’t imagine what that reason is though. As I write tonight, I am mourning my brother’s death. He was tragically killed at his job! Sounds like a horror movie plot. No one ever imagines it can happen to you, until it does.

I loved my little brother. We all had our differences, and of course we spent 48 years together as brother and sister growing up so we’ve had our share of fights, arguments, joys, pains, holidays, births, deaths, weddings, celebrations, birthdays, everything. I just can’t help but feel angry tonight. I know I will go through the stages of grief, and sometimes I feel like I don’t have that right. I can’t imagine what his wife and children are going through. But I shouldn’t be too hard on myself, he was my brother and we did a lot together. I feel my older sister bossiness (is that a word?) coming out wanting to scream at him, wait! get out of the way dammit! He was killed at work by a malfunctioning machine. He prided himself on being a master at that stupid machine. I am mad he was in the way of that stupid machine. If I was there I would have told him to move. I would have never been at his job, so it sounds a bit far fetched.

So, we will all just go on like robots and do what we are supposed to do and go on. But now it just feels different. I will find encouragement in my class Monday morning, my kids will help me move on.