My Baby so smart…

maybe it’s my impatience. maybe i taught her so well, i let it leave me and go into her…

i feel like i have the right way but when i go to do it, it doesn’t work! do i need to do some MORE (my shift key DOES work, i just choose not to use it) tries or what?

this is the just babbling post you might miss, love you all and thanks for listening to me! think of me as robin williams reaching out for help before his final days…

this is really just a test to see what i pay for works, y’all know what i mean


Complicated yet simple. So many degrees, levels, types. Between mother and daughter, father and son, friend and friend, man and woman, person and pet! All different, yet the same.

I want to write about love, but now that I’m here to write about it, I can’t decide where to start, maybe I’ll try the beginning. My heart is filled with love. I always feel great when I give it away, but I don’t feel so great when I don’t receive it. How am I searching for it when I have so much? Maybe I’m addicted.

Never have I felt it like I have in the past two days or so. I had a major surgery. I’m feeling alone. Not lonely, but alone. Some friends came by, they’ve texted, messaged, commented, called. I am so thankful, I felt the love. But yet in the silence of the house, I find myself reaching for my phone to see if I missed something. It’s really a drug. I think it’s the dopamine or something. The only way I can think of getting more is giving it away. Love really makes this world a better place to live.

Thank you to everyone who has thought of me, said a quick prayer, called, texted, commented on a post, sent me something (of which I was so happy and surprised!) , thank you. Thank you so very much. You are my filler of love. You are filling my bucket. I only hope I can return it.

Thank you Dierdre, Kathy, and Kima for special. Thank you for taking the extra step to make sure I felt the love. I love you! I am so glad I have it to share with my “people,” including my babies at school, where the street goes both ways. Spread the love people! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Did I say thank you?


Different levels. Different types. Different reasons. It can be suffocating or liberating. It’s just so dam character building I guess. Another word was in my mind but I’m a lady so I won’t write it.

Heat and pressure of Earth’s gravity create a diamond. When an irritant makes it’s way into an oyster, the oyster fights back the pressure to smooth it over and create a lustrous pearl. I am hoping I am a gem inside because all this pressure drives me to new levels of prayer.

I am just looking forward to the day when that deep breath in yoga feels even better. I can see beyond the troubles. I have just recently gone through a divorce, one that I had to paid for, my daughter is getting married Thursday, my mom’s dementia gets worse every week and I still have the pressures of teaching my second grade angels in North Philly, during a pandemic. Traffic, clean house, gym, bike ride (in which I TOTALLY LOVE) , oh, and by the way, I have been diagnosed with endometrial cancer. I read somewhere that it is very common and they seem to have a handle on the fix. Doesn’t sound like I’ll need chemo. So, I got that going for me. Oh, and my ex husband wants to throw more into the mix by washing and shredding our stimulus check. *insert eye rolling emoji here*.

I’ve had enough please. I am strong. I get it. I will get through it. God only gives me what I can handle. I can lift a Buick. I am a badass. I get it. Please be done with me now. I oughta be a diamond now, or at least a pearl. There must be a reason.

I love you. Have a great night and thanks for listening.
