
This might be a hard one to read. I haven’t written in so long and a million thoughts are running through my head right now. A lot has happened in my life since last time I’ve written. But, I told myself, y’all probably know how I feel, jumbled, so I might as well write.

First thing, is I got divorced. Officially, and legally. When I was younger, everyone used to say, “Oh, I’m sorry.” Now, you know what everyone says when I tell them? “Congratulations!” It isn’t supposed to be a happy time I thought, but it is. Don’t get me wrong, I was married and it was a marriage. We just weren’t going the same way, we wanted different things, and instead of staying together unhappily, I’m glad he left so we could both be happier. And, I used to feel like a failure, but I’m really not. I tried the very best I could and it wasn’t good enough… so off to be good enough! For me! I am good enough for me! And coincidently, it feels great! It really is too bad we couldn’t make it work, he didn’t want to, I offered to, but it will never work if only one person is trying, so here I am, off to be good enough!

Sometimes freedom comes with many things. Yes, you are freed from something but another thing just might come into the picture that might enslave you again. Don’t let it! I chose to return to dating sites, because as you all who know me, know I am typically an outgoing, fun, talkative, eccentric person to know. And with the pandemic, we definitely have to use different means of meeting someone. I figured out that I am not “in the market” for a husband. I seriously would just be happy to find a good friend to hang with. I was involved with someone awhile back and like a fool, I kinda fell in love with him, but again, he didn’t want that. I’m glad we are still friends and not enemies with a bad breakup. We still remain to be very close friends. He understood that going through a divorce is tough, and he was there to listen to me. I am kinda cute though, I can’t believe he didn’t fall under my spell… of course I am just kidding…

So, I really don’t know where I am going with this, I think my purpose was to just announce it officially on the blog and Facebook, social media, to make it REALLY official, not because a judge signed it! (I don’t know how to insert the crazy laugh emoji here)

I really am loving life right now and whatever God throws at me, He will help me handle it I am sure. I can feel the joy bubbling up again…

Have a great night everyone! Love, love, love you! Oh, and SPRING IS COMING, I KNOW IT!!!!