I have been fighting a battle within my mind. It’s tough. I am a tired soldier. My husband had to go away for a bit and I was in the situation to keep up alone, with no best friend by my side. I had to revert to single life, taking care of the house, job, yard, bills, school, you know, the normals. I am not going to lie, my husband is the best! He is not one to shy away from hard work. He takes excellent care of his wife, I am beyond blessed to have him by my side and I am forever grateful for him in my life. To say I love him is a huge understatement, I adore him, I honor him, he is a big part of me.
Of course, my mind and thoughts creep in that are not welcome. I consider it my job to reject wrong thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts. Sometimes it’s hard. Other times, it’s not. When things are going great, it is easy. When I am feeling down, it is much harder. Almost like a battle. When it gets hard to fight, I should stop, put my shield on, and fight back. My kids help me. Yes, they can be challenging at times, but they prove to me that I can do it. Maybe just in smaller doses. For instance, I had an observation today in my classroom, my assistant principal was observing me and how I teach. I always get a bit of a chip on my shoulder when it comes to observation time. My job is very hard and I work overtime to try and make it go smoothly. I have been teaching for 32 years. I am not one of those “sleep at my desk” teachers, I am up, around, trying, trying, trying. Making sure everyone is engaged and at least trying to pay attention. But, there is usually something I forget to do when someone is watching me. I know I am a good teacher, just being there everyday for them is a huge feat that some people can not do. Another battle. Trying to teach them how to interact socially is a huge issue unlike any other. But, we did it! I think the lesson went great, even if it doesn’t say so on paper, I know it was great. And, my husband is on his way back, battle almost won! I see the light at the end of the tunnel!
I also want to take a minute to thank all the people I know and know me that encourage me, even without knowing I am going through a tough time, thank you, I am blessed by knowing you!